SA8000 Audit Services – Social Accountability

We assist you in safeguarding social compliance throughout your global supply chain.

SA8000 Audit & Consulting Services

SA8000 audit services are essential in today’s increasingly interconnected world where ethical and social compliance plays a significant role in business practices. With the SA8000 Standard, organizations are guided towards upholding high standards of ethics, morals, and sustainability in their workplace. By ensuring compliance with these standards, businesses can demonstrate their commitment to social responsibility and benefit from increased credibility and improved stakeholder relationships. Mars Quality supports organizations from diverse sectors in verifying supplier compliance or achieving the SA8000 certification, providing them with a robust framework for maintaining a socially responsible work environment.

    Our SA8000 Audit Services

    Our array of offerings encompasses SA8000 vendor auditing, gap analysis assessments, on-site audits, readying for certification, corrective action measures, and beyond.

    SA8000 Internal Audit and Gap Analysis

    Our team conducts comprehensive internal audits and gap analyses to ensure your business aligns with SA8000 standards. This process not only uncovers any existing non-compliance issues but also identifies areas for improvement and helps to foster a culture of continuous improvement.

    Implementation of SA8000

    We assist businesses in the seamless implementation of SA8000, setting the stage for long-term sustainability and worker welfare. Our approach is tailored to your organization’s specific needs and industry, ensuring a smooth integration of these standards into your existing operations.

    SA8000 Consultation Services

    Our SA8000 consultation services provide you with the expert advice and guidance you need to navigate the complexities of this standard. We will work with you to understand your specific needs and tailor a strategy that ensures you achieve and maintain compliance.

    SA8000 Supplier Audit

    Our SA8000 supplier audits scrutinize your supply chain partners to confirm they’re upholding the same standards you are. This way, you can be confident that every link in your supply chain respects worker rights and ethical business practices.

    Preparation to SA8000 Certification

    We help your business prepare for SA8000 certification by guiding you through each step of the process. Our expert team will work with you to ensure you meet or exceed all the necessary requirements, helping to make the certification process as stress-free as possible.

    SA8000 Compliance Monitoring

    With our SA8000 compliance monitoring, we provide ongoing oversight to ensure your business remains in line with this standard. Regular monitoring allows us to catch any potential issues early, helping you to maintain your certification and protect your reputation.

    Looking for SA8000 Audit services?

    How does Mars Quality help?

    Mars Quality, is known and appreciated for the precision and accuracy in our audit reports and the effectiveness we provide for the solution pathway to modulate the production and service methods synchronized with the internationally and nationally segmented laws and policies. The Social Accountability features are actually devised through a complete guidance provided through the trade unions, civil society institutions, along with the non-governmental organizations. The ultimate framework is consolidated and conceptualized for each industry according to its body of work, however, this remains a critical journey to comprehend, and the expertise provided by Mars Quality is well-lauded across the world through a broad spectrum of industries and businesses.

    The social engagement is of prime priority for all businesses in this decade, and the relationship building with the targeted customers are easily formed through the social media presence, simultaneously putting up the complete transparency amongst the customers, therefore, letting a thorough scrutiny over the processes. The in-depth screening is an easy gateway these days, and it makes the recognition of social standards recognizable. The vast scope of social compliance and regulations are easily provided through our team of experts comprising of technical resources and officers providing quality and finesse in the work procedures.


    Why choose Mars Quality for Social Accountability 8000 Audits?


          • Aligning Business Scope with Standards: The first step that is required by any industrial organization or business institution is regarding the alignment of the scope with that of the SA8000 standard. A thorough procedure is implicated through our experts by forefooting the standardisation procedure via transparent and effective mediums.
          • Distinct Procedure and Expertise in Standardization: Mars Quality obeys a decent and distinct procedure, we initiate the process with a fair turnaround time, and obtain a complete understanding related to the best and relevant guidelines to be followed by the domain that our client hails from. The process of registration deployed towards achieving the mandated standards is also assisted through the provision of the experts.
          • Adherence to Regulatory Guidelines and ISO Standards: The guidance that Mars Quality will provide with the due process of standardization is expected is routed through intense understanding of the literatures and regulatory guidelines designated through registered offices. Our implementation process is also modelled according to the procedures prescribed under ISO/TS 9002 which is further spanned inclusive of ISO 9001 and ISO 14004, ISO 14001.
          • Customization, Flexibility, and Client-Centric Approach: Mars Quality is famously known for its flexibility and customization of services as per the client requirement. Our team arrangement is completely aligned with the purposed institution and the expertise which is rightfully needed there. The strategy making process resonates completely with the mission and vision of our clients, implementing their needs as per priority. We provide our assistance with improvements and assessments held prior to the certification and finally getting our clients the approval certificates.

    What is SA8000 standard?

    The SA8000 Standard is formulated by the Supreme Audit Institution (SAI) and is categorized as the leading social certification program. The SA8000 is classified as the international recognition, which certifies all organizations for the purpose of streamlining the ethics and morals which must be uniformly articulated within the organization across the hierarchy to achieve socially acceptable and sustainable practices in the workplace.

    The SA8000 consists of a broad paradigm of parameters and evaluation which helps in achieving international acceptance by helping the alignment with the required standards. One of the biggest concerns faced by the world forum is the ethical compliance and the maintenance of social morals. The reason that the social standards are regulated into compliant laws is because it creates harmony amongst all the elements and each aspect of the business chain is benefitted accordingly.

    Industries which need SA8000 audit services

    The SA8000 (Social Accountability) Standard is complacent strictly upon your business if you belong to the following sectors:

    • Manufacturer of electrical equipment, metal, and metal-based products, inclusive of heavy machines.
    • Providers of civil engineering and construction projects.
    • Refineries – oil, chemical.
    • Production of Rubber, Plastic, and associated goods.
    • Pharmaceutical companies.
    • Textile Factories.
    • Production of Food, and Beverage.

    Our SA8000 Audit Checklist

    At Mars Quality, our SA8000 audit service checklist is thorough, ensuring your organization meets all the necessary requirements for social accountability. Here’s a brief overview of the main elements we examine:

    • Child Labor and Young Workers: We verify that your organization adheres to international standards regarding the prohibition of child labor. Additionally, we check for appropriate protections and conditions for young workers, if employed.
    • Forced and Compulsory Labor: We ensure your organization does not engage in or support the use of forced or compulsory labor, including human trafficking and labor obtained through slavery.
    • Health and Safety: Our team inspects your company’s health and safety measures, checking for appropriate worker protections, emergency preparedness, and proper health and safety training for employees.
    • Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining: We evaluate your organization’s respect for the right of workers to form and join trade unions and bargain collectively.
    • Discrimination: Our auditors assess your organization’s commitment to a discrimination-free workplace, taking into account factors such as race, gender, religion, and disability.
    • Disciplinary Practices: We review your company’s policies and practices concerning disciplinary actions to ensure they’re fair, transparent, and respect workers’ rights.
    • Working Hours: We verify that your organization adheres to laws and industry standards regarding working hours, overtime, and rest periods.
    • Remuneration: Our auditors check that your compensation practices meet or exceed the legal minimum standards or industry benchmarks, and that they are sufficient to meet workers’ basic needs.
    • Management Systems: Finally, we evaluate the systems your organization has in place to implement, monitor, and improve social accountability. This includes looking at your company’s policies, procedures, record-keeping, and overall commitment to continuous improvement in these areas.

    The Mars Quality team is dedicated to ensuring your organization not only achieves SA8000 compliance but also fosters a healthy, fair, and respectful work environment.

    Process of SA8000 certification

    Mars Quality is recognized for its extensive work in terms of auditing and inspecting the manufacturing units, packaging centres, delivery spaces along with the authenticity while relating with quality. The Social Accountability Accreditation Services is spanned across a major network of services provisioning for the implementation of consistency in the culture of improvement and materialization of the goals in a socially acceptable format.

    This process ensures that the working conditions and remuneration provided to the employees are healthy. The SA8000 certification also adds for improvising the experience of the stakeholders and capturing the market. These features are responsible for strengthening the entire supply chain through establishing the propensity towards following good practices stringently.

    Why do you need Mars Quality?

    As an organization or an importer, it is imminently necessary to look out for the companies that you associate with. These are the basic morals of the external organizations, but the simple reason behind this is that the ideologies are ultimately replicated and reflects in all forms of partnerships.

    Adherence to Legal and Social Standards

    Some of the basic queries which are formed towards these organizations are described as the compliance with the legal laws while hiring labourers and other workers at the supplier’s end. The regularity of the principles issued for the maintenance of social standards and etiquettes for the maintenance of the overall social standards. The Social Accountability Act is a leading proposition of solutions and guidance, which is equivocally and equivalently applied over all industries. Also, for any business it is necessary that it is recognized by fellow companions in the home-base and abroad as well, it is at this point that the SA8000 Standard and Certification System provides the due guidance to be followed for the system of establishing the required framework.

    Achieving Comprehensive Social Accountability Certification

    The portfolio of our company provides the full coverage over the social certification procedures that is required to make a company compliant. The Standards are to be ranged across the complete landscape of the functions performed and models used by those industries, which is to be expedited by experts. It is at this point, that you or your organization requires the professional and excellence of work and certification like that of Mars Quality, to help you ascertain the business of SA8000 compliance.

    Where Do We Offer

    Social Accountability Audit Services

    Mars Quality provides Supplier SA8000 audit services in over 100 countries including:

    Albania, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Bosnia, Croatia, Cyprus, Czechia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Georgia, Hungary, Italy, Lithuania, Romania, Moldova, Netherlands, North Macedonia, Norway, Portugal, Poland, Serbia, Slovenia, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom, etc.

    Argentina, Perú, Colombia, Brazil, Mexico, USA, Canada, etc.

    Vietnam, China, Thailand, Cambodia, Taiwan, Bangladesh, India, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, Malaysia, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, Singapore, Hong Kong, etc.

    Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Egypt, South Africa, etc.

    Jordan, Turkey, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Oman, etc.

    You need a trusted partner who understands your business

    Mars Quality has the industry knowledge and resources to help you ensure quality and reduce risks.

    Get in touch with our experts today

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      Our Advantages

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      Technical Expertise
      Qualified ISO Auditors