Mars Quality

About Us

Companies around the world rely on our third-party quality control solutions.

We Are

A Third-Party Quality Control Company

Mars Quality is synonymous with being a Third-Party Quality Control Company. This resonates with four key areas of QA; which are audit, inspection, sorting and recruitment namely. The aim of our organization is to serve the community, through an active and conscientious participation in the evaluation of partners and products that goes into the supply chain processes for our clients along with the production procedures it follows throughout the sequence with our services spanning across the world.


We follow all the laid-out rules and specifications which are deemed as the best in quality by industry standards. This includes the product specifications and characteristics that are suitable for both the customers and clients. Along with the official laws, we are keen on delivering the best resources to our customers and fulfill their requirements. This serves the purpose of verifying the promised claims of quality are maintained throughout so that the customers can rely on the products. To do so, we focus on the collection of information with regards to the maintenance of standards to be able to ascertain quality control in terms of products and purchasing. The process further branches out to the company inspections performed through factory audits, which is an important step to manage the diligent compliance with the standards and also ensure a dedicated quality control. We also assist with quality sorting of the products, this ranges from selection of internal parts during the manufacturing and assembling process in order to mark the quality. The mentioned services are provided to you through are qualified professionals who are experienced and empathetic with customers’ needs. The major perspective that we had while building this was to ensure that the market demands are met judiciously without compromising on the quality and value-component of the product for the sake of competition.


Headquartered in Europe with a network of engineers and auditors around the world, we are a team of experts and professionals working across borders and industries. No matter what sector our client business is in, we have experienced professionals to understand the challenges they face and help solve them.

When to hire us?

We are open for companies who are looking out to validate their products from high-end quality assurance in order to carve a niche for themselves. Our third-party quality control services will help them in reaching out to people, further developing a loyal customer base. Also, companies benefit from our factory audits, quality inspection, sorting and recruitment services, which helps them to ensure quality products at each step of the supply chain.

What is for the customer?

In this age of brimming technology and consistent developments, the options for each category of products are countless, however, which one to buy and from where is a challenge. This leads to the grave process of decision-making and zeroing on the manufacturer or supplier who promises quality and equipped services. As a Third-Party Quality Control Company, we step in here, and provide the much-needed solutions, offering them a complete list of benefits through our thoroughly investigated and quality checking protocols in order to support their final decision of a quality product.


Mars Quality strong commitment to environment is reflected in our company culture and range of services. It also means we are continuously looking for opportunities to make a positive contribution in our local and global communities. We are committed towards providing quality through equally qualified professionals. This way we help in developing a sustainable society with stable economic benefits for all the parties involved.


  • Qualified Engineers
  • Global Coverage
  • Cost-effective Solutions
  • Reliability

Our Motto

Together We Move Quality Forward


We aim to help companies developing quality products, to protect final consumers and to contribute to making the earth a better place.

Where We Are

Headquartered in Europe with a network of engineers and auditors around the world, we are third-party quality control company with a team of experts and professionals working across borders and industries. No matter what sector our client business is in, we have experienced professionals to understand the challenges they face and help solve them.

Mars Quality

Strong commitment

to environment is reflected in our company culture and range of services. It also means we are continuously looking for opportunities to make a positive contribution at a local and global level.

Get in touch with our experts today

    Mars Quality team of over 10,000 highly-diverse professionals, based in locations around the world, provide our clients with unparalleled experience and expertise.