Structural engineering pivots around the principle of meticulous attention to detail, and the EN 1090 inspection serves as an essential pillar in this context. This regulatory procedure, which falls within the umbrella of the European Union’s Construction Products Regulation (CPR), seeks to ensure the highest level of quality and safety in structural steel and aluminium components. Embedded within this process is a comprehensive range of specifications and requirements that collectively contribute to structural integrity and performance, thereby underlining the role of EN 1090 as an indispensable element in the toolkit of every quality engineer.

Diving deeper into the mechanics of EN 1090 inspection, the intricate spectrum it covers becomes evident, spanning three integral standards – EN 1090-1, EN 1090-2, and EN 1090-3. These standards are comprehensive in scope, each serving its distinct purpose and encompassing various facets of structural component assessments. For instance, EN 1090-1 sets the parameters for conformity assessment, while EN 1090-2 and EN 1090-3 offer a granular focus on the technical aspects of steel and aluminium structures respectively. Thus, the EN 1090 inspection stands as an embodiment of regulatory rigour, illuminating the path for quality engineers to follow in their pursuit of engineering excellence and uncompromised safety. The journey through this article will offer a profound understanding of the nuances involved, setting the stage for insightful discussions and valuable takeaways.


II. The EN 1090 Standard: A Detailed Review


In the realm of structural engineering and construction, adherence to standards represents a commitment to quality, safety, and compliance. Among these, the EN 1090 standard, a European regulatory directive, takes a commanding position in its applicability to the fabrication and assembly of steel and aluminium structures. To truly appreciate the multidimensional aspects of EN 1090 inspection, an intricate dissection of the EN 1090 standard is warranted.

A. Background and Development of the EN 1090 Standard

The genesis of the EN 1090 standard can be traced back to the construction industry’s inherent need for consistent benchmarks to ascertain and ensure the structural integrity of steel and aluminium components. The European Committee for Standardization (CEN) consequently developed the EN 1090 series of standards as a part of the overarching Construction Products Regulation (CPR). This initiative was designed to create a harmonized market environment, where the safety, quality, and performance of products remain unimpeachable and consistent across the European Union.

B. Understanding the Three Parts of the EN 1090 Standard

The EN 1090 standard is a triad, each part serving a distinct, yet interconnected purpose. As quality engineers, it is vital to understand the nuances of EN 1090-1, EN 1090-2, and EN 1090-3 to navigate the landscape of inspections efficiently and effectively.

1. EN 1090-1: Requirements for Conformity Assessment of Structural Components
EN 1090-1 forms the foundational bedrock of the series. It stipulates the requirements for the conformity assessment of performance characteristics for structural components. Compliance to this part of the standard earns the manufacturer the right to affix the CE marking, thus facilitating trade within the EU.

2. EN 1090-2: Technical Requirements for Steel Structures
Transitioning from the broader view, EN 1090-2 delves into the specifics for steel structures. It outlines the stringent technical requirements to ensure safety, including design, manufacturing, and assembly. The standard serves as a roadmap, guiding quality engineers through various processes like welding, bolting, and riveting, along with surface treatment considerations.

3. EN 1090-3: Technical Requirements for Aluminium Structures
Rounding off the trinity, EN 1090-3 parallels EN 1090-2 but shifts focus to aluminium structures. This part shares the meticulous approach of its counterpart, addressing the technical requirements for the design, fabrication, and assembly of aluminium components in structural applications.

C. Scope and Requirements of EN 1090-1, EN 1090-2, and EN 1090-3

The EN 1090 standard covers an extensive terrain, enveloping structural components and kits for steel and aluminium structures in its scope. It encapsulates buildings, civil engineering works, bridges, and even towers or masts, making it a wide-reaching, critical standard for the industry.

D. The Importance of Execution Classes in EN 1090

Execution Classes (EXCs) form an intrinsic part of the EN 1090 standard, serving as a yardstick to gauge the complexity of the structure and the consequent level of control needed during fabrication and erection. From EXC1, dealing with simple structures, to EXC4, tackling the most complex, the right selection of EXC ensures that the fabrication process aligns with the potential risks and repercussions associated with structural failure.


steel structure EN 1090


III. The Process of EN 1090 Inspection


The critical role that the EN 1090 standard plays in ensuring structural safety and quality in the construction industry has been well established. Now, let’s delve into the meticulous and structured process of EN 1090 inspection, which forms the backbone of the practical implementation of these standards. This inspection process, coupled with the conformity assessment, creates a robust mechanism to ensure that steel and aluminium structural components are consistently produced to the highest standard.

A. Role and Responsibilities of Inspectors

In the context of the EN 1090 inspection, the inspector holds a position of immense responsibility. As a guardian of quality, the inspector meticulously verifies that the manufacturing processes meet the standards set by EN 1090-2 and EN 1090-3. Further, the inspector also confirms that the Factory Production Control (FPC) system adheres to the stipulations of EN 1090-1.

Inspectors need to possess an in-depth knowledge of the EN 1090 standards, combined with a practical understanding of structural engineering and metallurgy. They should also be well-versed with quality control methodologies and should demonstrate high levels of precision, analytical skills, and impartiality.

B. Key Steps in the EN 1090 Inspection Process

The EN 1090 inspection process is a systematic series of steps designed to ensure that every component under inspection meets the mandated requirements. While each inspection could have its unique variations depending on specific projects, a general outline of the process is as follows:

      1. Preliminary Review: The inspection begins with a review of the design and manufacturing plans. It’s the initial touchpoint where inspectors get an overview of the project, evaluate the preparedness of the manufacturer, and identify potential areas of concern.
      2. Factory Production Control (FPC) Evaluation: Inspectors thoroughly examine the FPC system in place to ensure that it aligns with the requirements of EN 1090-1. This includes a detailed evaluation of the quality management system, equipment maintenance protocols, staff competence, and procurement processes.
      3. Manufacturing Process Review: This stage involves an in-depth assessment of the manufacturing processes, particularly focusing on welding procedures, surface treatment, and assembly methods as outlined in EN 1090-2 and EN 1090-3. It also involves the validation of welder qualifications and the competency of the Responsible Welding Coordinator (RWC).
      4. Sampling and Testing: Inspectors may conduct tests on samples to confirm the quality of the components. This might include mechanical tests, non-destructive testing (NDT), or chemical analysis, among others.
      5. Documentation Review: Inspectors review the comprehensive documentation, which includes product specifications, test reports, material certificates, quality control records, and inspection results.
      6. Final Review and Report Submission: The final step involves a review of all findings, followed by the submission of an inspection report. This report provides a detailed analysis of compliance with EN 1090, highlighting any non-conformities, and offering recommendations for rectification.

C. Evaluation of Materials and Structural Components

The evaluation of materials and structural components forms a vital part of the EN 1090 inspection. Inspectors verify that the components are fabricated from the specified materials as per the design plans. They also assess the structural adequacy of these components, validating their compliance with the design requirements stipulated in EN 1090-2 and EN 1090-3.

D. Assessment of Manufacturing and Fabrication Processes

During the inspection, the manufacturing and fabrication processes undergo a meticulous review. The inspectors ensure that the processes align with the requirements of EN 1090-2 for steel structures and EN 1090-3 for aluminium structures. The fabrication review covers several aspects, including welding, fastening, cutting, shaping, and surface treatment processes.

E. Examination of Welding Procedures and Welder Qualifications

Welding forms a critical part of structural component fabrication. Hence, welding procedures and welder qualifications draw particular attention during the EN 1090 inspection. Inspectors ensure that the welding procedures align with the Welding Procedure Specifications (WPS) and that the welders hold valid qualifications as per ISO 9606 (for steel) and ISO 9606-2 (for aluminium).

F. Quality Control and Assurance Checks in EN 1090 Inspection

As the process culminates, quality control (QC) and quality assurance (QA) checks come to the forefront. Inspectors validate that the QC and QA systems in place effectively control the production process and maintain the quality of the final product. The checks further confirm that the QC and QA processes are documented and consistently implemented, ensuring traceability and transparency.


en 1090 inspection company


IV. The Role of Notified Bodies in EN 1090 Certification


As quality engineers navigating through the complex landscape of the EN 1090 standard, the concept of Notified Bodies (NBs) often appears as a vital node in the entire process. Their indispensable role in the framework of EN 1090 inspection and certification necessitates a comprehensive understanding of their functions and responsibilities. This understanding ensures that we can collaborate effectively with these entities and harness their expertise to ensure compliance with the EN 1090 standard.

A. The Concept of Notified Bodies

In the European Union’s regulatory parlance, Notified Bodies are organizations designated by an EU country to assess the conformity of certain products before being placed on the market. These bodies carry out tasks related to conformity assessment procedures set out in the applicable legislation when a third-party assessment is required. For the EN 1090 standard, the NB’s role becomes essential, given that the standard calls for third-party verification of the Factory Production Control (FPC) system.

B. The Designation and Competence of Notified Bodies

The designation of Notified Bodies is a rigorous process, ensuring that these organizations meet the high standard required to carry out conformity assessment tasks. The European Commission, working in concert with the EU member states, sets stringent criteria for NB designation. The process involves the evaluation of technical competence, independence, and resources of the candidate organization. Once designated, the NBs are listed in the NANDO (New Approach Notified and Designated Organizations) database, indicating their competence to carry out specific conformity assessment tasks.

C. Notified Bodies and the EN 1090 Certification

When it comes to the EN 1090 certification, Notified Bodies play a central role. Their primary responsibility is to verify that the manufacturer’s Factory Production Control (FPC) system is adequate and effectively implemented. They do this by reviewing the documented procedures and records, inspecting the manufacturing facilities, and assessing the competence of personnel involved in the production process.

D. Steps in the EN 1090 Certification Process by a Notified Body

The certification process conducted by a NB for the EN 1090 standard typically involves the following steps:

      1. Application Review: The NB reviews the manufacturer’s application for certification, which includes a comprehensive overview of the FPC system and the scope of certification required.
      2. Initial Inspection and Assessment: The NB conducts an initial inspection of the manufacturing facilities, reviews the documented FPC system, and assesses the competence of personnel.
      3. Evaluation and Testing: The NB may conduct or supervise tests on samples to confirm the quality of the components and the effectiveness of the FPC system.
      4. Certification Decision: Based on the findings of the inspection and evaluation, the NB makes a certification decision. If the manufacturer meets the requirements, the NB issues an FPC certificate and a Declaration of Performance (DoP). This gives the manufacturer the right to affix the CE marking to their products.
      5. Surveillance Inspections: The NB’s role does not end with the certification. They carry out regular surveillance inspections to ensure ongoing compliance with the EN 1090 standard.

E. The Value of Notified Bodies for Quality Engineers

As quality engineers, our relationship with Notified Bodies is pivotal in ensuring compliance with the EN 1090 standard. Their expertise helps guide us in setting up an effective FPC system, and their inspection and certification provide reassurance that our processes meet the required standard.


V. Preparing for EN 1090 Inspection: A Guide for Businesses


en 1090 quality inspector


Navigating the labyrinth of regulations and standards in the steel and aluminium fabrication industries can be daunting. The EN 1090 inspection is one of those rigorous processes businesses need to undergo to ascertain their compliance with the industry’s highest standards. Given the complexities involved, meticulous preparation becomes pivotal for a successful EN 1090 inspection. Here, we provide a comprehensive guide to assist businesses and quality engineers in their preparation journey.

A. Understanding the EN 1090 Standard

The first step towards preparing for the EN 1090 inspection is a thorough understanding of the standard itself. This involves a meticulous study of the different parts of the standard, namely EN 1090-1, EN 1090-2, and EN 1090-3, and understanding how they apply to the business. Additionally, businesses should also familiarize themselves with related standards such as ISO 3834, which details the quality requirements for fusion welding of metallic materials.

B. Establishing the Factory Production Control (FPC) System

The Factory Production Control (FPC) system forms the core of the EN 1090 standard. It should be established to include detailed procedures covering all stages of the manufacturing process. This involves the input materials, production machinery, production processes, testing equipment, and the competency of personnel involved in the production process. The FPC system should be thoroughly documented and continuously updated to reflect the current state of operations.

C. Training and Competence of Personnel

The proficiency and competence of the personnel are integral to the successful execution of the FPC system. Therefore, providing comprehensive training to all personnel involved in the production process becomes crucial. This includes welders, machine operators, inspection personnel, and those involved in the quality control process. All training should be documented, and the competence of the personnel should be evaluated periodically.

D. Implementing Robust Welding Procedures

Given that welding plays a crucial role in the fabrication of steel and aluminium components, businesses should ensure that they have robust welding procedures in place. These procedures should comply with the Welding Procedure Specification (WPS) and the personnel performing the welding should possess valid qualifications as per ISO 9606 (for steel) and ISO 9606-2 (for aluminium).

E. Regular Audits and Quality Checks

Frequent internal audits and quality checks are instrumental in ensuring that the established procedures align with the EN 1090 standard. These audits will highlight any potential non-conformities, allowing businesses to take corrective actions proactively. Documentation of these audits and the subsequent corrective actions forms an important part of the evidence during the EN 1090 inspection.

F. Documentation and Traceability

The documentation forms the backbone of the FPC system and is crucial during the EN 1090 inspection. All aspects of the production process, including material certificates, production records, inspection and testing records, training records, and audit reports, should be meticulously documented. Furthermore, a robust traceability system should be in place to track each product back to its raw material, production, and inspection records.

G. Engaging with a Notified Body

Once the internal preparations are complete, it’s time to engage with a Notified Body (NB) for the initial assessment. The NB will review the FPC system, inspect the manufacturing facilities, and assess the competency of personnel. After this assessment, the NB will provide feedback on any areas of non-conformity, giving the business an opportunity to make rectifications before the final inspection.


VI. The Implications of Failing an EN 1090 Inspection


In the realm of steel and aluminium fabrication, the EN 1090 inspection stands as a benchmark for quality, safety, and regulatory compliance. A failed inspection can have far-reaching implications for businesses, touching every facet from operational performance to market reputation. As quality engineers, understanding these potential impacts can help drive home the importance of meticulous preparation and adherence to the stipulated standards.

A. Financial Consequences

One of the most immediate impacts of a failed EN 1090 inspection is the potential financial loss. Not passing the inspection can result in re-inspection costs, rectification costs, and potential loss of business. The cost of rectifying non-compliant processes or practices can often be substantial, as it may necessitate upgrades to machinery, retraining of personnel, or even a complete overhaul of the Factory Production Control (FPC) system.

B. Operational Disruption

Failing an EN 1090 inspection can lead to considerable operational disruptions. Depending on the severity of the non-conformities, a company may need to halt production to address and rectify these issues. Such interruptions can lead to delayed deliveries, hampering the company’s ability to fulfill contractual obligations, which can in turn harm business relationships and future opportunities.

C. Regulatory Sanctions

In the European Union, compliance with EN 1090 is not merely an industry best practice but a legal requirement for products within its scope. As such, companies that fail an EN 1090 inspection and continue to supply non-compliant products risk facing regulatory sanctions. These sanctions can range from fines and penalties to a ban on marketing and sales of the product in the EU market.

D. Loss of Market Reputation

Quality certifications like EN 1090 serve as an assurance to clients about the company’s commitment to delivering safe, high-quality products. Therefore, failing an EN 1090 inspection can significantly tarnish a company’s market reputation. The damage to a company’s image can result in the loss of existing clients and difficulty in acquiring new business.

E. Negative Impact on Staff Morale

It is also worth noting the effect of a failed inspection on the company’s internal environment. A failed EN 1090 inspection can lead to low staff morale and reduced confidence in the company’s management. It could also lead to increased scrutiny from higher management or owners, potentially resulting in increased pressure on employees.

F. Strategies for Mitigation

Given the severity of these implications, it is crucial for businesses to adopt proactive
strategies to avoid failing an EN 1090 inspection. This involves implementing a robust FPC system, regular internal audits, rigorous personnel training, and meticulous documentation. Additionally, engaging with a Notified Body early in the process allows for rectification of potential issues well ahead of the final inspection.

The implications of a failed EN 1090 inspection can indeed be dire, emphasizing the importance of a rigorous, systematic, and proactive approach towards compliance with the standard. As quality engineers, our role is pivotal in shepherding our organizations through this process, mitigating risks, and maintaining the highest standards of quality and safety.


VIII. Conclusion


Navigating the complexities of EN 1090 inspection and certification is a challenge that every business in the steel and aluminium fabrication industry must face head-on. With an intricate blend of technical requirements, quality controls, and regulatory implications, mastering this process is an endeavor that demands deep understanding, rigorous implementation, and constant vigilance.

A. The Central Role of EN 1090

Throughout this detailed discussion, the centrality of the EN 1090 standard in the context of steel and aluminium fabrication has been firmly established. From its technical specifications to its role in regulating the industry and assuring quality, the standard stands as a testament to the industry’s commitment to safety, quality, and performance. It serves as a navigational beacon for businesses, guiding their manufacturing processes and ensuring a level playing field within the industry.

B. Comprehensive Preparation for EN 1090 Inspection

We have seen how the thorough preparation for EN 1090 inspection forms the backbone of a successful certification process. From understanding the standard’s nuances, establishing a robust FPC system, training personnel, to maintaining meticulous documentation, the journey is one of persistent effort and attention to detail.

C. Understanding the Implications of Non-compliance

The exploration of the potential implications of a failed EN 1090 inspection underscores the criticality of adhering to the standard. The fallout from a failed inspection, be it financial, operational, regulatory, or reputational, can be significant, emphasizing the importance of proactive measures to ensure compliance.

D. The Role of Quality Engineers

As quality engineers, we are the linchpins in this process. Our understanding of the EN 1090 standard, our ability to implement it, and our skill in navigating the inspection process can significantly impact our organization’s success in achieving certification. We are also instrumental in fostering a culture of quality within our organizations, encouraging continuous improvement and adherence to the highest standards.

In conclusion, the journey towards achieving EN 1090 certification is far from easy, but it is undeniably rewarding. It provides businesses with a competitive edge, instills confidence in customers, and ensures that the industry as a whole upholds the highest standards of safety, quality, and regulatory compliance. As quality engineers, our role in this journey is central, and our contribution, indispensable. Let us continue to embrace this challenge, driving our organizations towards excellence, and steering our industry towards a future of uncompromising quality and safety.